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June 07, 2008


How does the summer and winter correlation work?
How does that work? I mean like a mild summer equals a mild winter or hot summer equals cold winter? I don't know which one it is? So far I think we have had a mild summer but thats just me.

I have my summer must haves and tips. But what are yours? Maybe I can learn something new, or pick up something to add to mine. I mean beauty tips, styles you have to have in the summer, make-up, beauty products. Anything you love during the summer :) It can even be music!


Congratulations - I picked up your book and agree it is a great business book. I recommended it on my summer reading list as well. Business really is about communication and I have become somewhat of a "visual practitioner" in our strategic planning work. Your book is a mus read for anyone who has to communicate with people.


now THAT's cool! congratulations on the recognition - and on a fantastic book!

Congratulations Dan! I agree it is the BEST business book I have read in the last few years (and I read plenty of them). I do have one suggestion: a downloadable version of the codex and framework. I like carry around a 8x11 sketch book, and have taped a copy of both of those tables into the back (so I have it for reference without carrying the book). You can see a photo of what I mean here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/68758450@N00/2575928332/
It would be cool to have a PDF downloadable version on your site as a tool.

When your book is in any list with ULYSSES...I mean, dang. Congrats!

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