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July 16, 2008


Dan (& Andrew),

I have been mesmerized by this medium for a while now, but until moment's ago couldn't 'figure out' how to apply it to my work (life coach and workshop faciliator with more than little 'I'm not an artist' thing goin' on).

But between your excellent home page videos and Andrew's post, the proverbial light bulb's gone off: I do believe I've got it!

That said, I do have a question for you Dan: do you ever do any public workshops? In Canada? I'd attend one in a heartbeat, particularly if it also involved an overview of the video capture process...


P.S. Have you see the www.commoncraftshow.com produced by Lee & Sachi LeFever?

Dan - many thanks again to you for writing the book - as I hope my humble sketch shows it is proving quite inspirational.

Before last Saturday, I definitely fell into the "I can't draw" camp. I considered myself a "words" rather than a "pictures" person. I hated Pictionary.

At the same time, I've always been convinced that a visual approach to problem solving makes more sense. For example, I've been a fan of Edward Tufte's work for over a decade - and yet I could never work out how to practically apply his principles. For the price of a couple of beers, your book has very happily provided the solution ;-)

Will be interesting to see what further reaction your blog post and mine engender - I'll need to find a bigger napkin to update my book buyer process chart!

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