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July 01, 2008


Another difference in this book compared to the others in the series is that the author’s style appeared to change.

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I love the way you make me feel closer to Socrates !
When watching the long "short history", I thought that 25 years is too long for 1 generation (no medical care, violent society).

Maybe by stuffing more little guys in a row, you would suggest that life was not easy 10 000 years ago.

Your book is great

I love this book! See my posting on Scope Crepe.

Project Managers: Pay attention to Dan!


Dan, I found my way to this blog via a random tweet, and I'm so glad I did. (Yay, Twitter!)

Anyway, I'll definitely be picking up your book. I work in the arts and believe creativity and visual thinking are instrumental to our success and happiness.

This is a little left field, but you may enjoy this report: Visualizing Information for Advocacy. While written more for the nonprofit sector, the report really demonstrates the unique efficacy of images. Here's the URL: http://backspace.com/notes/2008/02/an-introduction-to-information-design.php

Keep up the creative - if not fully original - thinking : )

This is fantastic, Dan! I've been studying ancient history with my five year old (she made her own cave paintings and has now moved onto an obsession with ancient Egypt). I can't wait to show her this.

So synchronistic
I was flying back from a speech, with my fun stuff to read... rady my New Yorker & loved Judith's article, then stopped (struck by same feeling yu had)

and pulled out your book.Read the whole thing on the 5 hour flight.

You'll be delighted to know that the book became the subject of conversation with the 80-something former school teacher on my left and the architect on my right.

Yes I was stuck in the middle seat yet just happy it was taking off on time.

There were more happy coincidences as i was returning form IABC where two people who are, like you, involved in this unfolding "visual thinking" field, were in my audience.

I wrote about the experience here


Thanks Bob,

The sample from your blog is magnificent!! Thank you for pointing me towards it.

Yes: the 200 generation image snapped into my mind the moment I read that (verbal) passage in the article. Talk about a shot out of the blue. Since making these 2 simple pictures yesterday, I haven;t stopped thinking about how different the world looks to me now. 200 generations... yikes!!

Also yes: my book is overtly oriented towards the business community for a couple reasons: 1) They're (we're) flat-out the worst when it comes to taking advantage of pictures. Even lawyers and politicians are better! 2) At least businesspeople recognize that they don't know everything and are always willing to try something new. Hence the huge market of business books.

That said, my favorite project partner is both an MD and an MBA and he draws much like you do. He has brought me in on several healthcare / biotech / pharma projects, so I have some inkling into the way that side of "business" works. (Besides, I did premed back in undergrad, including working summers in the ER, so I truly know enough to be really dangerous.)

Thanks again,

I love this Dan. Your 200 generations drawing captured me in a second. First it really conveyed how short the history of human beings is, and in the process, made the world feel a much smaller, more connected place. And second it excited me about visual communication. I'm a doctor. I draw simple drawings every day to explain things to patients. I don't mean drawings of body organs or anything like that. I mean simple drawings that help me explain concepts. Concepts like how we get sick and how we get well for example. If you'd like to see go here - http://heroesnotzombies.wordpress.com/2008/03/14/healing-or-treating/
I see your book is orientated towards business people, but have you much experience of this way of thinking in health care? I'd be really interested to know.
By the way, I'm just off to Amazon to buy your book!

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