One of the really great unexpected outcomes of getting your book published is that other publishers send you advance copies of their upcoming books for review and (hopefully) positive comments. I suppose it shouldn't have come as a surprise since my publisher did the same thing for my book, but it has been fun to collect a nice stack of pre-release business books.
I make a point of reading each book that I receive, thinking not only about the karma involved but also recognizing how lucky I am to see some of what's coming out before many other people get to. Besides, it's a tremendous honor to be asked, and I figure I owe it to the other authors to do my part.
The only problem is that it takes time to really read everything that comes in and formulate an opinion about it that's worth sharing. Which means I sometimes fall behind on getting my comments in on time.
That's what happened with Guy Kawasaki's new book REALITY CHECK: The Irreverent Guide to Outsmarting, Outmanaging, and Outmarketing Your Competition. I got an advance copy three weeks ago, put it on the "to read" stack, finally read it, LOVED it (more on that in a moment), drew up a 'cover blurb' that I really mean, and sent it back to the publisher... only to find out they'd already printed the book!
Yikes. Good timing, Dan.
So back in that karmic mood, let me present here for the first time my never-to-be-published blurb for Guy's latest:
Now I know what they mean when they talk about "encyclopedic knowledge".
They mean Guy Kawasaki. This book is the proof.
- Dan Roam
This book is amazing. It really is a complete encyclopedia of everything anyone starting a start-up needs to know about money (and where to get it), planning (more rather than less is the ticket), marketing (I think I finally understand what that means), and succeeding (or failing magnificently, which according to Guy is almost as good).
What I found best about the book was that although it contains way too much to ever fully process (much less remember), everything is presented in short sections, category by category -- which makes it easy to find exactly the guideline you need when you need it.
I wish my timing had been better: this is really a book I'd have liked to have a picture on!