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May 28, 2009


Another difference in this book compared to the others in the series is that the author’s style appeared to change.

Really looking forward to this next book Dan. Can't wait to see it!

Hye Dan,

Can we use your new book to give courses here in Brasil ? how you see this kind of efforts? Can we make an agreement?

I´m planning to use your mind-toos and some Groove Consultant´s tools to give courses of visual thinking here...

What about?

Wow, Dan. Congratulations. I really loved your first book and read it in one or two days.

Looking forward for the new one, as I really love the practical approach you already showed in the case study section of your book no. 1

Hola Dan,
I'm from Chile and I liked "The Back of the Napkin".
Congratulations for your new book, I'm waiting for it.


Dan - congrats!!!

Congratulations, Dan! Can't wait to see it, and then save the world!

Or at least a client or two.

I recently discovered your book and when I was done, a workbook was the only "wish" I had -- so I could apply concepts before trying them out with a live audience.

Excellent! Can't wait to see it.

Dan, This is great news. I can't wait to read the new book. The first one was very insightful and helpful. Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing. ...Mike

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