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June 01, 2009


I love your book and already got some very good ideas out of it. And I say this though I am a PowerPoint specialist (Microsoft MVP) and trainer.
But I would like to see a German translation of your book, so that I can recommend it to my co-workers, some of them shy back from reading non-fiction books in English.

And I just got your book in Indonesia.. it's called Picture Intelligence http://www.bukukita.com/babacms/displaybuku/20180_f.jpg ... it makes me confuse for a moment.. but after I read the inside it says "translated from The Back of the Napkin".. and I'm trilled.... can't wait to finish the book... and put it in practice... thanks..

Hello, when we have a version in Portuguese of Brazil? I buy
the book in English, but would be a very interesting version
translated in Brazil, to disseminate the ideas d book. Congratulations
the book, it is excellent.

Hi Dan,

I have found your book at the nearest book store. I am very much impressed with your contents.

Business Man from Japan

China is biggest market in world ,you should first publish your book in china :) I am looking forward your book in chinese!

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