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July 13, 2009


What did you think of the pen? Do tell. Thanks for the posts.

this kind of topic lends itself to a good review, because when it comes to hot things can be interpreted in many ways, sometimes comic, sometimes seriously, in order to thank them for sharing the information!

I'd really like hear if you liked Papershow as I'm always "drawing a picture"

I had heard you were a very dynamic and interesting speaker from my colleagues. After hearing you talk at BayCHI I would definitely agree. I would like to see more real case studies in the book that you could share all the juicy details. I look forward to seeing the rest of the visual thinking unwritten rules that you shared with us.


What did you think of the pen? Do tell. Thanks for the posts.


...SO!??! What happened? You're killing me here!

BTW, I've enjoyed coming to your site for quite some time now. I think someting Garr Reynolds wrote about you...maybe the link to a presentation?...sent me here a few years ago. Between you and Garr, I got turned on to Seth Godin. I bought Tribes. That led to other cool stuff in my life, and so on. But it all comes back to this blog and the stuff you share with your readers. I come here often hoping for an update!

I have to tell you that, even though I'm several hundred miles away (in Chicago), your work and your blog have had and continue to have a profound influence on my life. As someone whose notebooks continue to be chock-full-o-sketches to this day, I totally appreciate what you bring to the world.

Maybe next time I am in San Francisco, I will be fortunate enough to catch a presentation. For now, I'll have to wait patiently for "The Way of the Whiteboard."

Continued success! Thank you for sharing...

I am so eager to attend your wonderful talk,but i have no
chance,can i have the chance
to learn from your talking materials?Will you share them?

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