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December 28, 2009


Hope to acquire one of that at amazon. Hope its still available. I'm gonna give it to my nieces and nephews. It is so educational workbook. Love it. :)

I am reading Unfolding the Napkin and have to say, it is amazing!!!!!!

It is so easy to follow, written in a way that ANYONE can understand and just makes so much sense.

Thanks Dan

Amazing!!! I am looking forward of buying these books

I appreciate the work of all people who share information with others.

Can't wait to get started with the workbook!
When are you coming to Europe for your workshop? :)


Am so very eager to get your workbook.

Thought this story about 2010 calendar based on pictures drawn by some of the top CEOs in India might interest you.


I didn't read "The Back of the Napkin". Should I start instead with "Unfolding the Napkin" first since it seems more like a workshop ?

Mine arrived today!! :) Pre-ordered at Amazon eheheh

It's great to see your method expended in a new book which seems to go further. I read the first one with pleasure and I hope the new one will make me think as much as the first.

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