There are two kinds of documentary films: those that show us something new, and those that show us new ways of looking at the old.
Ron Galloway creates films of the second type. Ron makes films that explore the more mundane realities of of modern life, like Wal-Mart, health care, and PowerPoint; things that are so familiar that we tend not to see them at all.
But we should. 1) Wal-Mart is big beyond comprehension. 2) Health care is (still) a mess. 3) Every single week TWO MILLION PowerPoints are presented.
I'm not sure which of those three is scarier, but I'm leaning towards the two million.
So is Ron. He recently asked me to appear in his newest film on that subject. Rethinking PowerPoint is a feature-length documentary exploring how to use the world's most pervasive business communications tool... better.
Here in black & white is an excerpt from my portion where I talk about:
- Why vision is a good way to share.
- Why talking and drawing is the best way to share.
- Why lightbulbs over our heads are sexy.
Good Post.
YOU supply the text. Your drawing / visual reinforces the message so the recipient 'Gets It!'
Posted by: Fred Miller | April 04, 2010 at 06:19 PM
I just purchased both books on Amazon last night. Can't wait to dive in.
Thanks so much for this gift ...
Posted by: Anthony Douglas | April 01, 2010 at 08:24 AM